Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club      

   "On or by the Sea, the Friendly Place to be"
Since 1981

Upcoming Events & Registration

    • 2025-01-23
    • 2025-03-24
    • 11:59 PM
    • SNSYC

    2025 marks the 42st running of the Blackline Patos Island Race. This race is open to all PHRF and approved one-design racers. The Long Course is a Van Isle 360 qualifier and the event counts towards the Vancouver Island Racing Series (VIRS) as well as the BC Long Distance Championship.

    Schedule of Events 2025

    Friday, March 28:

    1600 – 2000 Racing Packages are available in the clubhouse.

    1730 – 1900 All-inclusive premium buffet dinner.

    1930 Briefings on weather, tides and currents.

    2000 Skippers Meeting.

    Saturday, March 29:

    0800 – 0900 Pancake & sausage breakfast for $10. Includes coffee, tea, juice.

    1000 Long Course starts off Sidney waterfront. Short course to follow.

    After finishing complimentary chili, buns, and coffee, tea, juice available for

    sailors returning overnight.

    Sunday, March 30:

    0800 – 1100 Sunday morning hot breakfast available for $10.

    1100 Closing ceremonies and awards presentation in the SNSYC clubhouse.

    For more information regarding the race please visit the dedicated race website at

    • 2025-01-23
    • 2025-03-28
    • SNSYC
    • 89
    We will be offering our premium buffet dinner consisting of fresh baked buns and butter, Caesar salad, roasted potatoes, steamed vegetables, penne in a tomato sauce, breaded cod, roasted striploin carving station, gravy, horse radish and chef's desert.
    • 2025-01-23
    • 2025-03-28
    • SNSYC
    • 99
    We will be offering breakfast on both Saturday and Sunday morning.
    • 2025-03-04
    • 2025-03-25
    • 3 sessions
    • Dining Room
    Registration is closed

    March Tuesday session Dates:

    March 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th 

    Maximum class size = 10 

    Class time:  9:30 - 10:30am

    Waitlist available

    Class fee of $60.00 payable directly to Kris by E-transfer to, cash or cheque and not through the Club.

    Contact Kris at if you have any questions.

    Meet in the Club Dining Room. Bring your own mat, water bottle and props.

    • 2025-03-15
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • 7
    Registration is closed

    • 2025-03-15
    • 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    • 2025-03-20
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-03-20
    • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
    • 58

    • 2025-03-22
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Troy from Bayview will talk about what you need to do to sell your boat, how to understand the real value (not what we think it should be) of the vessel. There are many important components and not doing some will turn purchasers away.

    • 2025-03-27
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-03-28
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2025-03-30
    • 3:00 PM
    • Tod Inlet

    Tod Inlet / Butchart Gardens Rendezvous

    March 28 - 30, 2025

    Event fee $10 per person when registered.

    Co-Hosts:- Barbara Hager, Deneen Larson, Bentley Rolf, Don Craigmyle

    Come join us for this New Event and create Marina space for Patos Racers

    Bring a musical instrument and/or your voice.  

    You will also want your camera (phone) for photos.

    Friday, March 28 - Plan to arrive in Tod Inlet after 1 pm to anchor.

    Pot Luck Appetizers at 1630 

    Dinner on your own (if you are still hungry)

    Evening "Musical" participatory event.  

    Saturday, March 29

    0830 Breakfast on your own or dinghy to the smell of coffee!!

    1030 Dinghy to Butchart's Dock. Enter Butcharts from the dinghy dock

    Bring your camera for the photo Challenge

    Purchase your pass at the gate by dock ramp, about $32

    Lunch:-  Only the Coffee Shop is open for snacks.

    Tour Butcharts and complete the Photo Challenge for a prize!

    1530 Return to boats, Happy Hour, 

    1730  Dinghy to Brentwood Inn Pub 

    1800  No host Dinner at Brentwood Inn Pub (no reservations)

    Return to boats for after dinner social

    Sunday, March 30

    0830 Breakfast on your own or dinghy to the smell of coffee!!

    1030 Walking trail and Scavenger Hunt for a prize.  Led by Deneen

    Pack a picnic lunch or snack

    1500 Depart for NSM.  Plan to arrive after 1700

    Direct Questions to

    • 2025-04-01
    • 9:30 AM
    • 2025-04-22
    • 10:30 AM
    • Dining Room

    April Tuesday session Dates:

    April 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd 

    Maximum class size = 10 

    Class time:  9:30 - 10:30am

    Waitlist available

    Class fee of $60.00 payable directly to Kris by E-transfer to, cash or cheque and not through the Club.

    Contact Kris at if you have any questions.

    Meet in the Club Dining Room. Bring your own mat, water bottle and props.

    • 2025-04-03
    • 10:30 AM
    • 2025-04-24
    • 11:30 AM
    • Dining Room

    April Thursday session Dates:

    April  3rd,  10th, 17th and 24th

    Maximum class size = 10 

    Class time:  10:30 - 11:30am

    Waitlist available

    Class fee of $60.00 payable directly to Kris by E-transfer to, cash or cheque and not through the Club.

    Contact Kris at if you have any questions.

    Meet in the Club Dining Room. Bring your own mat, water bottle and props.

    • 2025-04-03
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

  • Register

    Gavon of Ocean perfomance will present solar systems on boats and will talk about the newest and best systems for boats and the pros and cons of different systems. This will be a no fee sell out sell out.

  • Register

    Gord from Bayview will talk about all of the things that need to be checked on a regular basic and things that need to be done on a regular basis that most of us don't do.  This is a must as Gord will also tell us how to do all this duties.

    • 2025-04-12
    • 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM
    • 43

    See below for a list of the auction items

    • 2025-04-17
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-04-24
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • 50

    • 2025-04-24
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-04-25
    • 3:00 PM
    • 2025-04-27
    • 11:00 AM
    • Port Browning

    SNSYC Jack & Jill Rendezvous Cruise

    LOCATION : Port Browning

    April 25- 27, 2025   Registrations closing April 20

    Hosted by

    Bert and Wendy Blattmann, Peter and Jayne Brennan

         Fee $25 per person

    Block reservations for 15 boats have been made, however each individual participant is required to make his or her own moorage booking. Please make your moorage booking online (not phone) at Port Browning Marina website before registering for this event. Note:- Office is closed Tuesday - Wednesday. Should you encounter any problem, please call the Marina at (250) 629-3493. When you make your moorage booking please indicate you’re a member of the SNSYC. 

    The moorage group fees are $2.20 per foot and 30 amp shore power is at $11 and $16 for 50 amps per day. In order to cover all the expenses associated with the Rendezvous, the cost has been set at $25 per person. Please submit your online payment to SNSYC when you register. Children under 12 are free.

    The following Rendezvous program has been developed and it can be changed as needed should anyone come forward with a good suggestion. 

    25 April at 5 pm: Meet and Greet with snacks and drinks at the tent. Please bring your own supplies. A potluck dinner to follow, please bring your own cutlery.

    26 April 8:30 to 10 am: breakfast served at the tent, again bring your own coffee mugs and cutlery 

    11:00 to noon: Tentative arrangements have been made to have a briefing from the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue branch of North Pender Island.

    Lunch: Lunch is not organized, participants may decide where to eat. The Marina is open for anyone wishing to eat in the restaurant, plus there will be a BBQ available at the tent for anyone to use.

    2 to 4 pm: A tour is planned of Twin Island Cider at 5601 Lupin Road, North Pender Island. Twin Cider offers 2-3 samples for free, however anyone wishing formal tasting of 5 ciders, the fee will be $15 per person.  Please let the Cruise Host know if you are interested in visiting Twin Island Cider. Participants will need to use a dinghy to ferry across to the government wharf, and from there a short walk to Twin Cider.

    4 to 6 pm: pre-dinner games and cocktails with snacks at the tent. Please bring your own supplies.

    6 pm: dinner at the Marina restaurant, note the restaurant does not accept reservations. A BBQ is available for those wishing to cook their own dinners.

    27 April 8:30 to 10 am, small breakfast will be served consisting of coffee and muffins, please bring your own mug.

    10 to 11 am departure time. Assistance will be needed to load SNSYC gear back on-board boats. Anyone interested in organizing a sailboat race on our way home is most welcome to do it. It could be discussed at breakfast time. 

    The aim of the Rendezvous is for the “boaters” to enjoy themselves among sailors' fine company. Looking forward to meeting you at Port Browning Marina Resort.

    Cheers, your hosts Bert and Wendy, Peter and Jayne 

          Come ready for fun and fellowship!!

         Please offer to help with games/happy hour etc. to optimize our fun!

    Use this link to contact the cruise host:

    Please register directly with Port Browning Marina ASAP 

      to reserve moorage and assure your place ! 

    • 2025-05-01
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-05-08
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-05-10
    • 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

    • 2025-05-15
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-05-22
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-05-29
    • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    • 2025-06-14
    • 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM

    • 2025-06-30
    • 2025-07-29
    • Salish Sea to Octopus Islands

    Long Cruise 2025

    Registration is free for this event but registration is necessary.

    The planned route and timing recognizes that there will be both Power and Sail boats participating.  While it may not be possible to make all of the locations, it is hoped that you will attend those marked as Red Rendezvous points.  Distances have been set to be reasonable, tides have been considered and anchorages chosen which are expected to have enough space.  Research these locations to be sure they are appropriate for your boat .

    Come back to the event page to check for changes.

    Previously we have found that setting up a cell phone texting group helps with communication for most boats.  As you Register, please respond to each field, particularly your on board cell phone number.

    Skippers are responsible for the safety of their boat and crew.  You will need good navigation equipment.  Weather conditions may require changes to our plan.

    Registrants will be given a list of all participants with Contact Information.

    • 2025-10-04
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2025-10-06
    • 11:00 AM

    Co-hosts Doug & Darlene Potentier, Ross and Tara Rainsford

    Invite you to join SNSYC Annual Thanksgiving Rendezvous

    October 4 - 6

    Friday, October 4, Plan to arrive after 1 pm

    Decorate your boat for "Best Dressed Thanksgiving Boat"*

    *(Optional - for bragging rights only)

    Meet and Greet at the Pavilion at 3 pm

    Pot Luck Appetizers at the Pavilion at 4:30

    (Dinner on your own if you are still hungry)

    Carve Your Own Pumpkin - Win a Prize

    Saturday, October 5

    8:30 coffee and omelettes at the pavillion, bring your cup, plate & cutlery

    10:30 walking group or cold water swim for those interested

    lunch on your own ( Tender to the Lion Rampart Scottish Pub)  ???

    2:00 - 4:00 Various games at the pavilion, Prizes awarded

    5:00  Dinner begins at Shipyard Pub/Restaurant. 

    Groups of four to six be seated 10 minutes apart.

    After dinner drinks and social, 

    Sunday, October 6

    8:00 Coffee and light breakfast, bring your cup, plate & cutlery

    Social time before noon departure.

    $25 per person to cover food and prize costs. 

    First, you must secure your Moorage at Maple Bay 


    Then register for this event on this site. 

    Remember that your spouse/partner is to be registered as a guest.

    You may also add additional guests.

    Questions? Email your host 

Past events

2025-03-13 Bridge
2025-03-12 Virtually Cruising
2025-03-08 Buying or selling your yacht, how a mechanical inspection helps
2025-03-06 Speaker Series
2025-03-06 Drop in bridge, all levels
2025-03-01 Marine Electrical Seminar
2025-02-22 Diesel Maintenance course by Ben Gartside
2025-02-20 Speaker Series
2025-02-20 Drop in Bridge-All levels
2025-02-18 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - Tuesdays in February
2025-02-15 Roaring 20's speak easy
2025-02-13 Annual General Meeting
2025-02-13 Bridge
2025-02-06 Speaker Series
2025-02-06 Drop in Bridge all levels
2025-01-30 Drop-in Bridge Jan. 30th
2025-01-25 Robbie Burns Supper
2025-01-23 Speaker Series
2025-01-23 Drop in Bridge-all levels
2025-01-16 Drop-in Bridge Jan. 16th
2025-01-09 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - Thursdays in January
2025-01-07 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - Tuesdays in January
2025-01-06 Race Team Jackets
2024-12-31 New Year's Eve Dinner & Band
2024-12-19 Drop-in Bridge Dec. 19th
2024-12-15 Member's Christmas Buffet
2024-12-12 Speaker Series
2024-12-08 Member's Christmas Party
2024-12-07 Lighted Ships Sailpast 2024
2024-12-05 Drop-in Bridge Dec. 5th
2024-12-05 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - Thursdays in December
2024-12-03 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - Tuesdays in December
2024-11-28 Speaker Series
2024-11-21 Drop-in Bridge Nov. 21st
2024-11-16 Commodores Cocktail party
2024-11-14 Speaker Series November 14th
2024-11-14 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - Thursdays in November
2024-11-09 Cruising Dinner 2024
2024-11-07 Drop-in Bridge Nov. 7th
2024-11-05 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - Tuesdays in November
2024-10-31 Speaker's Series October 31st
2024-10-26 British Invasion party
2024-10-24 Drop-in Bridge Oct. 24th
2024-10-22 Special General Meeting
2024-10-17 Speaker Series October 17th
2024-10-13 ThanksGiving Dinner Buffet
2024-10-10 Drop-in Bridge Oct. 10th
2024-10-04 Thanksgiving Rendezvous
2024-10-01 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - October
2024-09-28 Wine Pairing dinner
2024-09-13 Exodus to Montague for CRASH
2024-09-13 2024 CRASH Regatta Race Registration
2024-09-13 2024 CRASH Regatta Breakfast Registration
2024-09-13 2024 CRASH Regatta Dinner Registration
2024-09-10 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris
2024-08-30 Adult Dinghy Racing
2024-08-22 Able Sailing
2024-08-20 Able Sailing
2024-08-17 BBQ and Band
2024-08-17 Able Sailing
2024-08-15 Able Sailing wth Brooke
2024-08-13 Able sailing with Brooke
2024-08-10 Able Sailing with Brooke
2024-08-08 Able Sailing with Brooke
2024-08-08 August 2024 Short Cruise
2024-08-07 Able Sailing with Maya
2024-08-06 Able Sailing with Brooke
2024-08-05 Able Sailing with Maya
2024-08-05 Able Sailing with Maya
2024-08-03 Able Sailing with Brooke
2024-08-03 Dining Room Closed August 3rd for Private Event
2024-08-01 Able Sailing with Brooke
2024-07-31 Able Sailing with Maya
2024-07-30 Able Sailing
2024-07-29 Able Sailing with Maya
2024-07-29 Able Sailing with Maya
2024-07-27 Able Sailing
2024-07-25 Able Sailing
2024-07-23 Able Sailing
2024-07-20 Western BBQ
2024-07-20 Able Sailing
2024-07-18 Able Sailing
2024-07-16 Able Sailing
2024-07-16 Registration for Monthly billing of Annual Dues
2024-07-13 Able Sailing
2024-07-11 Able Sailing
2024-07-09 Able Sailing
2024-07-06 Able Sailing
2024-07-01 July Long Cruise
2024-06-28 Canada Day Rendezvous
2024-06-20 Marine First Aid Training
2024-06-15 Trivia Pub Night
2024-06-01 Food and wine pairing
2024-05-25 Opening Day / Sail Past May 25th
2024-05-17 Victoria Day Rendezvous
2024-05-11 70's Disco night
2024-05-07 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - 4 week Lesson from May 7th
2024-05-02 Adult Dinghy Racing Session 2 of 3
2024-05-02 Boat Show Volunteer Sign-up Sheet
2024-04-20 Solar Panel Seminar by Ocean Performance
2024-04-18 Speaker Series April 18th: Follow your Passions!
2024-04-12 Mill Bay Rendezvous & Wine Tour
2024-04-11 Adult Dinghy Racing
2024-04-11 High Tea
2024-04-09 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - 4 week Lesson from April 9th
2024-04-05 Easter Jack and Jill Rendezvous
2024-03-21 Speaker Series March 21st: A Portrait of Portugal
2024-03-16 Diesel Maintenance course with Ben Gartside
2024-03-12 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - 4 week Lesson from March 12th
2024-03-07 Speaker Series March 7th: Flotilla Sailing in the Med
2024-03-02 Marine Electrical Course
2024-02-24 Outboard engine Maintenance
2024-02-22 Speaker Series Feb 22: Charter Fishing & Marine Parks Update
2024-02-20 Annual General Meeting
2024-02-17 Maritime Radio Course
2024-02-10 Moroccan Night
2024-02-08 Speaker Series: Sailing to Haida Gwai, Feb. 8th
2024-01-09 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - 4 week Lesson from Jan 9th
2023-12-31 New Years party
2023-12-17 Christmas Buffet #2
2023-12-16 Christmas Lighted Ships and SailPast
2023-12-10 Christmas Buffet
2023-12-02 Dining Room Closed Dec. 2 for private event
2023-11-30 Speaker Series with Sir Adrian of Kershawville
2023-11-28 Gentle Hatha Yoga with Kris - 3 week Lesson from Nov. 28th
2023-11-25 Volunteer appreciation party
2023-11-18 Maritime radio course
2023-11-16 Speakers’ Series, Nov 16th: TO ALASKA AND BACK!
2023-11-04 Commodore's Cocktail Party Nov 4th
2023-11-02 CANCELLED: Speakers’ Series, Nov 2nd: Marine Connectivity: Stay Connected With Your Boat!
2023-11-01 Introduction to Navigation
2023-10-28 Pirate Masquerade Party
2023-10-21 Cruising Dinner 2023/2024
2023-10-12 Speakers’ Series, Oct 12: the Chilcoot Trail
2023-10-08 Thanksgiving Buffet
2023-09-29 Thanksgiving Rendezvous
2023-09-25 Junior Program Fundraising Online Auction
2023-09-23 Junior Sailing Gala Fundraiser
2023-09-15 FALL FLING Sept 15-17 Montague Marine Park
2023-09-15 2023 CRASH Regatta Race Registration
2023-08-19 Summer Games and Mardi Gras
2023-07-22 Summer BBQ and games with Live entertainment
2023-07-03 Long Cruise Flotilla
2023-06-30 Canada Day Rendezvous Cruise FULLY BOOKED
2023-06-17 Trivia Pub night
2023-06-10 Meet and Greet the New Food and Beverage team
2023-05-27 BBQ night
2023-05-26 Victoria Day Cruise - Genoa Bay Rendezvous
2023-05-06 Opening Day Sail-Past & Marina Appreciation Event
2023-04-28 Jack & Jill Rendezvous Cruise April 28-30th
2023-04-22 Wine tasting
2023-04-21 Safety boat checks
2023-04-19 BRIDGE AND DINE April 19th
2023-04-13 Afternoon Tea
2023-04-08 Pleasure Craft safety volunteer course
2023-04-06 Speaker Series with Meagan McDonald
2023-03-24 Mill Bay Rendezvous Cruise March 24-26
2023-03-23 Speaker Series Dan Downes Beneath the waves
2023-03-16 Pilates at the Club Drop-in class Mar 16th 9-10am
2023-03-15 BRIDGE AND DINE March 15th
2023-03-10 Friday Mar 10 Drop-in Bridge 2-4PM
2023-03-09 Speaker Series All at Sea Poetry with Caroline Preston
2023-03-09 Pilates at the Club Drop-in class Mar 9th 9-10am
2023-03-02 Pilates at the Club Drop-in class Mar 2nd 9-10am
2023-03-01 Friday Mar 3 Drop-in Bridge 2-4PM
2023-02-24 Friday Feb 24 Drop-in Bridge 2-4PM
2023-02-23 FEB 23rd Speaker series: THE BOWRON LAKE CIRCUIT
2023-02-23 Pilates at the Club Drop-in class Feb 23rd, 9-10am
2023-02-17 Friday Feb 17 Drop-in Bridge 2-4PM
2023-02-16 Pilates at the Club Drop-in class Feb 16th, 9-10am
2023-02-11 Pub Night
2023-02-10 Friday Feb 10 Drop-in Bridge 2-4PM
2023-02-09 Speakers' Series: Tales of the Nakwakto Rapids
2023-02-09 Pilates at the Club Drop-in class Feb 9th, 9-10am
2023-02-03 Friday Feb 3 Drop-in Bridge 2-4PM
2023-02-02 Pilates at the Club
2023-01-27 Drop-in Bridge, Friday Jan 27, 2-4 PM
2023-01-26 Speaker Series
2023-01-26 Pilates at the Club!
2022-12-31 New Years Eve early bird dinner
2022-12-18 SNSYC Christmas Buffet
2022-12-11 SNSYC Christmas Buffet
2022-12-08 Speaker Series "The Orkney and Shetland Islands"
2022-11-27 Cruising Dinner
2022-11-24 Speaker Series "The Atyla: A Sailing Adventure"
2022-11-19 Commodores Ball
2022-11-19 Diesel Maintenance course by Ben Garside
2022-11-12 Membership Mixer
2022-11-10 Speaker Series "Narrow Boat Canal Trip in the UK"
2022-10-27 Speaker Series "Search & Rescue: What not to do!"
2022-10-13 Speaker Series
2022-10-09 Thanksgiving dinner buffet
2022-10-04 Special General Meeting
2022-09-29 Fashion and Finance Ladies evening
2022-09-24 Pub Night
2022-08-27 Harvest Fest
2022-07-22 Cruise - INFORMAL CRUISE
2022-07-09 Women's Keelboat Course
2022-07-02 Cruise - CANADA DAY LONG CRUISE
2022-06-30 Canada Day Rendezvous
2022-06-25 Music Bingo
2022-05-07 Opening Day Dinner
2022-05-07 Opening Day and Sail-Past
2022-04-29 Easter Rendezvous
2022-04-23 Pub night with music bingo
2022-04-14 Speakers’ Series, April 14: Cruising in the Time of COVID!
2022-03-28 Bridge Lessons
2022-03-24 Tea with Traditional Delectables
2022-03-21 Bridge Lessons
2022-03-19 St. Paddy's Party
2022-03-17 Speaker Series: The Dynamic Journey of the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea
2022-03-14 Bridge Lessons
2022-03-10 Speaker Series
2022-03-07 Bridge Lessons
2022-03-05 Diesel Maintenance Course
2022-03-03 Speaker Series
2022-02-28 Bridge Lessons
2022-02-26 Pub Night
2022-02-24 Speaker Series
2022-02-21 Bridge lessons
2022-02-14 Bridge lessons
2022-02-07 Bridge Lessons
2021-12-31 Tapas New Years evening
2021-12-28 Cruise - Winter Cruise
2021-12-19 Christmas buffet
2021-12-18 Volunteer Work Party
2021-12-12 Christmas Buffet
2021-12-01 Cruising dinner and meeting
2021-11-27 Volunteer Work Party
2021-11-25 SPEAKERS’ SERIES - History of Aviation in Victoria
2021-11-20 Thruster Seminar
2021-11-17 Author Book Launch
2021-11-08 Volunteer Work Party
2021-11-06 Diesel Course
2021-10-28 Speakers' Series: A Matter of Meat: Let's Talk Protein Politics!
2021-10-24 Walk Your Way to Health Using Walking Poles
2021-10-14 Speakers' Series: Crossing the Pacific with Two Young Boys
2021-10-01 Cruise - Thanksgiving Rendezvous
2021-09-25 Volunteer Work Party
2021-09-12 Sunday Walks
2021-08-21 Harvest Fest
2021-07-23 Cruise - Informal Summer Flotilla
2021-07-17 Ribfest
2021-07-04 Cruise - Long Flotilla
2021-06-30 Cruise - Canada Day Rendezvous
2021-06-21 Volunteer Work Party
2021-06-06 SNSYC Racing
2021-06-05 SNSYC Opening Day
2021-05-24 Volunteer Work Party
2021-05-16 Sunday Walks
2021-05-11 Annual General Meeting
2021-05-01 SNSYC Racing
2021-04-30 Cancelled - Jack & Jill Cruisers & Racers Rendezvous
2021-04-28 Education - VHF Radio with DSC – REFRESHER
2021-04-28 SNSYC Racing
2021-04-27 Education - VHF Radio with DSC endorsement
2021-04-26 Volunteer Work Party
2021-04-20 Education - VHF Radio with DSC endorsement - Mixed
2021-04-15 Fashion and Finance
2021-04-08 Speakers' Series - HUMAN SAFETY AT SEA
2021-04-06 Education - Pleasure Craft Operators Course (PCOC) - Mixed
2021-04-01 Speakers' Series - THE STORY OF A WOLF AND A WOMAN
2021-03-31 SNSYC ZOOM Yoga
2021-03-28 Virtual Dock Party
2021-03-22 Volunteer Work Party
2021-03-18 SNSYC SGM
2021-03-18 Ladies Lunch Tea
2021-03-13 Bridge Lessons
2021-03-11 Speakers' Series - A Visit To An Enchanted Land
2021-03-06 Bridge Lessons
2021-03-05 TGIF - Virtual Mixer - Jeopardy Brain Teasers!
2021-03-03 SNSYC ZOOM Yoga
2021-02-27 Bridge Lessons
2021-02-25 Speakers' Series via ZOOM: Mutiny in the R.C.N.
2021-02-22 Volunteer Work Party
2021-02-20 Tacky Tourist
2021-02-20 SNSYC Tacky Tourist Trivia and Happy Hour
2021-02-20 Bridge Lessons
2021-02-13 Bridge Lessons
2021-02-11 Speakers' Series via ZOOM: SEABURBAN AROUND ALONE
2021-02-08 Zoom Scattergories
2021-02-06 Bridge Lessons
2021-02-03 SNSYC ZOOM Yoga
2021-01-30 Happy Hour Chat
2021-01-30 Bridge Lessons
2021-01-26 Volunteer Work Party
2021-01-23 Bridge lessons by Jon Preston
2021-01-16 Bridge Lessons by Jon Preston
2021-01-09 Bridge Lessons by Jon Preston
2021-01-03 SNSYC Racing
2021-01-01 Rum Race Invitational  (CBSC)
2020-12-28 Winter Cruise
2020-12-26 Rudolf's Revenge Invitational
2020-12-10 Speakers' Series - TBA
2020-12-06 Fall Long Distance #6
2020-12-05 Volunteer Work Party
2020-12-05 Private Dinner Function
2020-11-29 Fall Long Distance #5
2020-11-28 Cruising dinner 30 people only
2020-11-26 Speakers' Series - No Fridge, No Problems?
2020-11-24 “Charting the Course” Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 2 – Junior Sailing, Junior Memberships, Club Boats
2020-11-23 “Charting the Course” Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 1 Membership, Entertainment and Cruising
2020-11-22 Fall Long Distance #4
2020-11-16 Movie Afternoon at the Club - Hadwins' Judgement
2020-11-15 Fall Long Distance #3
2020-11-14 Commodores Dinner
2020-11-12 Speakers' Series - TBA
2020-11-09 Volunteer Work Party
2020-11-08 Fall Long Distance #2
2020-11-07 “Charting the Course” Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 4 Facilities and reciprocal dock
2020-11-07 “Charting the Course” Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 3 Club Boats, Junior Memberships, and Junior Sailing
2020-11-07 “Charting the Course” Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 1 Membership (Entertainment, Cruising & Communications) and Reciprocal dock operation
2020-11-07 “Charting the Course” Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 2 Racing
2020-11-01 Fall Long Distance #1
2020-10-31 Halloween Party
2020-10-31 Volunteer Work Party
2020-10-29 Speakers' Series - TBA
2020-10-25 Great Pumpkin Pursuit
2020-10-22 SNSYC Executive Meeting
2020-10-18 Sunday Walks
2020-10-18 Rum Race #3
2020-10-17 Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 3
2020-10-17 Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 4
2020-10-17 Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 1
2020-10-17 Strategic Plan 2021-2031 Focus Group 2
2020-10-15 Speakers' Series -Sextant to A.I.S.: changes in 40 years of sailing
2020-10-11 Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet
2020-10-11 Rum Race #2
2020-10-04 Rum Race #1
2020-10-02 Cruise - Pre-Thanksgiving Rendezvous
2020-09-29 SNSYC Special General Meeting
2020-09-27 Gumboot Pursuit
2020-09-26 Volunteer Work Party
2020-09-23 Beer Garden week
2020-09-23 Beer Fest week
2020-09-13 Membership Mixer
2020-09-13 Commodores Cup
2020-09-12 Private Lunch Function
2020-09-10 Private Lunch Function
2020-09-06 Interclub at SISC
2020-09-05 Private Dinner Function
2020-08-30 Single Handed Race
2020-08-23 Summer Fun #3
2020-08-22 Harvest Fest
2020-08-09 Summer Fun #2
2020-08-01 Cow Bay Regatta (CBSA)
2020-07-26 Summer Fun #1
2020-07-26 Sunday Walk: Beaver Lake
2020-07-25 Private wedding
2020-07-24 Informal Boat and Road Cruise Cancelled
2020-07-18 Private Dinner Function
2020-07-15 Round The Buoys #8
2020-07-12 Ribfest
2020-07-08 Round The Buoys #7
2020-07-05 Sunday Walk, Sidney Promenade
2020-07-01 Round The Buoys #6
2020-06-28 Long Distance Cruise
2020-06-27 Extraordinary General Meeting
2020-06-27 Volunteer Work Party
2020-06-24 Round The Buoys #5
2020-06-17 Round The Buoys #4
2020-06-13 Crafts
2020-06-10 Round The Buoys #3
2020-06-06 Sailpast Opening Day
2020-06-03 Round The Buoys #2
2020-05-31 Open House
2020-05-30 Private Dinner function
2020-05-29 Cruise - In Park Rendezvous
2020-05-27 Round The Buoys #1
2020-05-23 Swiftsure (RVYC)
2020-05-23 Opening Day/Sailpast
2020-05-19 Volunteer Work Party
2020-05-16 Round Saltspring (SISC)
2020-05-15 Cruise - Victoria Day Rendezvous
2020-05-14 Private Lunch Function
2020-05-10 Spring Long Distance #5
2020-05-09 Beer tasting and pub quiz
2020-05-03 Spring Long Distance #4
2020-04-30 Fashion Show Evening
2020-04-25 Jack & Jill Race – Easter Cruise
2020-04-23 Cruise - Easter Rendezvous
2020-04-19 SISC Interclub / My Tai Pursuit
2020-04-18 Membership Mixer
2020-04-16 Speakers' Series: TBA
2020-04-12 Spring Long Distance #3
2020-04-09 Private Lunch Function
2020-04-05 Spring Long Distance #2
2020-04-04 Volunteer Work Party
2020-04-02 Speakers' Series: Cruising in the Western Mediterranean
2020-03-28 Patos Breakfast
2020-03-28 Blackline Patos Island Race
2020-03-27 Patos Dinner
2020-03-26 Tea
2020-03-25 Private Lunch Function
2020-03-22 Spring Long Distance #1
2020-03-19 Speakers' Series: Search and Rescue POSTPONED
2020-03-15 In The Bay Pursuit #5
2020-03-14 St Patricks Party
2020-03-12 Private Lunch Function
2020-03-08 In The Bay Pursuit #4
2020-03-05 Speakers' Series: The History of Coastal Pleasure Cruising
2020-03-02 Volunteer Work Party
2020-03-01 In The Bay Pursuit #3
2020-02-25 SNSYC Annual General Meeting
2020-02-23 In The Bay Pursuit #2
2020-02-22 Private Luncheon
2020-02-22 Racer Awards Night
2020-02-20 Speakers' Series: An Artist Afloat!
2020-02-16 In The Bay Pursuit #1
2020-02-14 Valentines Dinner
2020-02-13 Private Lunch Function
2020-02-10 Line Dancing
2020-02-09 Winter Long Distance #5
2020-02-06 Speakers' Series: How the 'Killer' became the 'Orca'
2020-02-02 Winter Long Distance #4
2020-02-01 Games Afternoon
2020-02-01 Volunteer Work Party
2020-01-30 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2020-01-30 Private meeting
2020-01-29 Town Hall meeting
2020-01-26 Winter Long Distance #3
2020-01-20 Club closed for renovations
2020-01-19 Winter Long Distance #2
2020-01-18 Membership Mixer
2020-01-12 Winter Long Distance #1
2020-01-09 Speakers' Series: Stressless Downsizing
2020-01-09 Private Luncheon
2020-01-05 Frostbite Pursuit
2020-01-01 Rum Race Invitational (CBSC)
2019-12-31 Members early bird New Years eve dinner
2019-12-27 Winter Rendezvous
2019-12-26 Race - Rudolf's Revenge Invitational
2019-12-23 SNSYC Club Closed for the holidays
2019-12-21 Private Dinner Party
2019-12-19 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-12-15 Members Christmas dinner buffet
2019-12-15 Sunday Walk
2019-12-14 Private Party
2019-12-12 Private Luncheon
2019-12-12 Speakers' Series - Tod Inlet: a Healing Place
2019-12-08 Sunday Walk
2019-12-08 Private Luncheon
2019-12-08 Race - Fall Long Distance #6
2019-12-07 Private Party
2019-12-06 Volunteer Work Party
2019-12-01 Sunday Walk
2019-12-01 Race - Fall Long Distance #5
2019-11-30 Sparkling wine tasting
2019-11-28 Speakers' Series - Sailing in the Solomon Islands
2019-11-27 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-11-24 Sunday Walk
2019-11-24 Race - Fall Long Distance #4
2019-11-21 Cruising Dinner
2019-11-17 Sunday Walk
2019-11-17 Race - Fall Long Distance #3
2019-11-14 Speakers' Series: Saving the Southern Resident Orcas
2019-11-10 Sunday Walk
2019-11-10 Race - Fall Long Distance #2
2019-11-09 Commodores Ball
2019-11-03 Sunday Walk
2019-11-03 Race - Fall Long Distance #1
2019-11-02 Volunteer Appreciation Event
2019-11-02 Volunteer Work Party
2019-10-30 Speakers' Series: The BC Ferries: Past, Pesent, and Future
2019-10-27 Sunday Walk
2019-10-27 Race - Great Pumpkin Pursuit
2019-10-26 Halloween Party
2019-10-23 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-10-20 Sunday Walk
2019-10-20 Race - Rum Race #3
2019-10-17 Speakers' Series: The Return of the Giants
2019-10-13 Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet
2019-10-13 Sunday Walk
2019-10-13 Race - Rum Race #2
2019-10-06 Sunday Walk
2019-10-06 Race - Rum Race #2
2019-10-05 Private Wedding
2019-10-04 SNSYC Bridge Group
2019-10-04 Cruise - Start Thanksgiving Rendezvous
2019-10-01 SNSYC Special General Meeting
2019-09-29 Sunday Walk
2019-09-29 Race - Rum Race #1
2019-09-28 Intermediate Bridge Lessons
2019-09-28 Volunteer Work Party
2019-09-26 Ladies Speaker series
2019-09-26 Ladies Ethical evening
2019-09-25 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-09-22 Sunday Walk
2019-09-22 Race - Gumboot Pursuit
2019-09-21 Hart Private Wedding
2019-09-15 Sunday Walk: Roberts Bay and Beyond
2019-09-14 SNSYC Crash Regatta
2019-09-12 Junior Fun Sail
2019-09-10 Junior Fun Sail
2019-09-08 Race - Commodores Cup
2019-09-08 Sunday Walk, Pat Bay area
2019-09-05 Junior Fun Sail
2019-09-03 Junior Fun Sail
2019-09-01 Race - Single Handed Race
2019-08-29 Junior Fun Sail
2019-08-27 Junior Fun Sail
2019-08-25 Race - Summer Fun #3
2019-08-24 Corn and pig roast
2019-08-22 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-08-22 Junior Fun Sail
2019-08-20 Junior Fun Sail
2019-08-17 Wedding
2019-08-13 Junior Fun Sail
2019-08-11 Race - Summer Fun #2
2019-08-08 Junior Fun Sail
2019-08-06 Junior Fun Sail
2019-08-01 Junior Fun Sail
2019-07-30 Junior Fun Sail
2019-07-28 Race - Summer Fun #1
2019-07-26 Cruise - Start Summer Informal Cruise
2019-07-25 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-07-25 Junior Fun Sail
2019-07-23 Junior Fun Sail
2019-07-21 Ribfest
2019-07-18 Junior Fun Sail
2019-07-17 Race - Round The Buoys #8
2019-07-16 Junior Fun Sail
2019-07-11 Junior Fun sail
2019-07-10 Race - Round The Buoys #7
2019-07-09 Junior Fun Sail
2019-07-07 Seattle Yacht Club Dinner Buffet
2019-07-03 Race - Round The Buoys #6
2019-06-26 Race - Round The Buoys #5
2019-06-23 Sunday Walk, June 23rd, 1030: Centennial Park
2019-06-20 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-06-19 Race - Round The Buoys #4
2019-06-16 Sunday Walk - Sidney Promenade
2019-06-15 Cruise - Start Long Flotilla Cruise
2019-06-12 Race - Round The Buoys #3
2019-06-09 Sunday Walk, June 9, 1030
2019-06-07 Cruise - Start Long Flotilla Cruise
2019-06-06 Ladies Luncheon Tea
2019-06-05 Race - Round The Buoys #2
2019-05-31 Cruise - Start June Park Rendezvous
2019-05-29 Race - Round The Buoys #1
2019-05-25 Open House
2019-05-25 Volunteer Work Party
2019-05-25 Members' Open House
2019-05-23 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-05-17 Cruise - Start Victoria Day Cruise
2019-05-16 Ladies Monthly Luncheon
2019-05-14 First Aid Course
2019-05-12 Race - Spring Long Distance #5
2019-05-11 Opening Day Dinner
2019-05-11 Opening Day/Sailpast
2019-05-10 Volunteer Work Party
2019-05-05 Race - Spring Long Distance #4
2019-05-04 Sustainable Investing Seminar
2019-04-28 Race - My-Tai Pursuit
2019-04-27 SNSYC Member Mixer
2019-04-25 Book Club Luncheon
2019-04-24 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-04-19 Jack & Jill Easter Cruise
2019-04-19 Cruise - Start Easter Rendezvous
2019-04-18 Speakers' Series: The Incan Empire
2019-04-14 Sunday Walk: Bear Hill and Elk Lake
2019-04-14 Race - Spring Long Distance #3
2019-04-13 Epicure Tastings and Membership Mixer
2019-04-07 Sunday Walk: Horth Hill
2019-04-05 SNSYC Blackline Patos Island Race
2019-04-04 SS - The Cotswolds Way
2019-03-31 Sunday Walk
2019-03-31 Race - Spring Long Distance #2
2019-03-30 Bridge Lessons -8- “Diamonds and Clubs”
2019-03-30 Volunteer Work Party
2019-03-27 Ladies Luncheon
2019-03-24 Sunday Walk
2019-03-24 Race - Spring Long Distance #1
2019-03-23 Bridge Lessons -7- “Finesse and Wile”
2019-03-21 SS - Tonga to New Zealand
2019-03-20 SNSYC Executive Monthly Meeting
2019-03-20 Bridge Lessons -8- “Diamonds and Clubs”
2019-03-17 Sunday Walk
2019-03-17 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #5
2019-03-16 Bridge Lessons -6- “Spades and Hearts”
2019-03-13 Bridge Lessons -7- “Finesse and Wile”
2019-03-10 Sunday Walk
2019-03-10 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #4
2019-03-09 Bridge Lessons -5- “Promotions and Ruffing”
2019-03-07 Speakers' Series: Captain George Vancouver in BC
2019-03-06 Bridge Lessons -6- “Spades and Hearts”
2019-03-03 Sunday Walk
2019-03-03 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #3
2019-03-02 Racing Awards Night
2019-03-02 Bridge Lessons -4- “No Trump Auctions”
2019-02-26 Annual General Meeting
2019-02-24 Sunday Walk
2019-02-24 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #2
2019-02-24 Oscar Night
2019-02-23 Volunteer Work Party at 1000hrs
2019-02-21 Speakers' Series: Exploring Scandinavia
2019-02-17 Sunday Walk
2019-02-17 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #1
2019-02-14 Valentine's Day Dinner
2019-02-10 Sunday Walk
2019-02-10 Race - Winter Long Distance #5
2019-02-07 Speakers' Series: S.V. Baraka Bashad to Alaska
2019-02-06 Bridge Lessons -5- “Promotions and Ruffing”
2019-02-03 Sunday Walk
2019-02-03 Race - Winter Long Distance #4
2019-02-02 Bridge Lessons -3- “Games and Slams”
2019-01-30 Bridge Lessons -4- “No Trump Auctions”
2019-01-28 Pot Luck Curry Lunch
2019-01-27 Sunday Walk
2019-01-27 Race - Winter Long Distance #3
2019-01-26 Bridge Lessons -2- “Auction Bridge and more”
2019-01-24 Speakers' Series: Rum Running on the West Coast
2019-01-23 Bridge Lessons -3- “Games and Slams”
2019-01-20 Sunday Walk
2019-01-20 Race - Winter Long Distance #2
2019-01-19 Poker Night
2019-01-17 Ladies Luncheon
2019-01-13 Sunday Walk
2019-01-13 Race - Winter Long Distance #1
2019-01-10 Speakers' Series - Fuel Prices: Myths and Facts
2019-01-09 Bridge Lessons -2- “Auction Bridge and more”
2019-01-06 Sunday Walk - cancelled
2019-01-05 Bridge Lessons - 1- “Tricks and Trappings”
2019-01-02 Bridge Lessons -1- “Tricks and Trappings”
2019-01-01 Club Closed
2018-12-31 New Years early Bird Dinner
2018-12-30 Club Closed for the Holidays
2018-12-29 Club Closed for the Holidays
2018-12-28 Club closed For the Holidays
2018-12-27 Club Closed for the Holidays
2018-12-26 Race - Rudolf's Revenge Invitational
2018-12-26 Club Closed for the Holidays
2018-12-25 Club Closed for the Holidays
2018-12-24 Club Closed for the Holidays
2018-12-23 Closed For the Holidays
2018-12-20 SS - TBA
2018-12-16 Sunday Walk
2018-12-15 Family Christmas Dinner
2018-12-09 Sunday Walk
2018-12-09 Private party
2018-12-09 Race - Fall Long Distance #10
2018-12-08 private party
2018-12-06 Spreakers' Series: The Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913
2018-12-02 Sunday Walk
2018-12-02 Race - Fall Long Distance #9
2018-11-29 Cruising annual dinner
2018-11-25 Sunday Walk
2018-11-25 Race - Fall Long Distance #8
2018-11-22 Speakers' Series: The Backside of Greece!
2018-11-18 Sunday Walk
2018-11-18 Race - Fall Long Distance #7
2018-11-17 art Show
2018-11-11 Sunday Walk
2018-11-11 Race - Fall Long Distance #6
2018-11-10 Commodore's Ball
2018-11-08 Speakers' Series: Sailing Along the Croatian Coast
2018-11-04 Sunday Walk
2018-11-04 Race - Fall Long Distance #5
2018-11-03 Dinner with Authors
2018-10-28 Sunday Walk
2018-10-28 Race - Great Pumpkin Pursuit
2018-10-27 Halloween Dinner Dance
2018-10-25 Speakers' Series: Wandering Across New Zealand
2018-10-21 Race - CBSC Round The Buoys Course #4
2018-10-18 Ladies Night
2018-10-14 Race - CBSC Round The Buoys Course #3
2018-10-11 Speakers' Series: The Ins and Outs of Boat Surveys
2018-10-07 Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet
2018-10-07 Race - CBSC Round The Buoys Course #2
2018-09-30 Sunday Walk: Blue Heron Park and Horth Hill
2018-09-30 Race - CBSC Round The Buoys Course #1
2018-09-29 Volunteer Work Party
2018-09-28 Cruise - Start Thanksgiving Rendezvous
2018-09-27 Games Night
2018-09-25 Special General Meeting
2018-09-23 Race - Gumboot Pursuit
2018-09-22 Membership Mixer
2018-09-15 Invasive Plant Clearing at Nymph Point Park
2018-09-14 Race - CRASH Regatta
2018-09-09 Race - Commodores Cup
2018-09-08 Private Function (Kitchen closed)
2018-09-02 Private Function (Kitchen Closed)
2018-09-02 Race - Single Handed Race
2018-08-26 Race - Summer Fun #3
2018-08-20 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -08
2018-08-18 Entertainment Night
2018-08-13 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -07
2018-08-12 Race - Summer Fun #2
2018-08-11 Private Function-(Kitchen closed)
2018-08-06 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -06
2018-08-04 Race - Cow Bay Regatta
2018-07-30 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -05
2018-07-29 Race - Summer Fun #1
2018-07-28 Private Function-(Kitchen closed)
2018-07-27 Cruise - Start Summer Informal Flotilla Cruise
2018-07-23 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -04
2018-07-22 Family Outdoor Games and BBQ
2018-07-21 Private Function-(Kitchen closed)
2018-07-18 Race - Round The Buoys #8
2018-07-16 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -03
2018-07-11 Race - Round The Buoys #7
2018-07-09 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -02
2018-07-07 Private Function-(Kitchen closed)
2018-07-04 Race - Round The Buoys #6
2018-07-02 Start 2018 Sailing School Classes -01
2018-06-30 Private Function, (Kitchen closed)
2018-06-27 Race - Round The Buoys #5
2018-06-24 Private event
2018-06-23 Private Function (Kitchen Closed)
2018-06-20 Race - Round The Buoys #4
2018-06-20 Private Function-(Kitchen closed)
2018-06-16 Private Function (Kitchen closed)
2018-06-14 New Member Orientation (kitchen closed at 7:00 PM)
2018-06-13 Race - Round The Buoys #3
2018-06-09 New Member Orientation
2018-06-08 Cruise - Start Weekend Rendezvous
2018-06-08 Cruise - Start Long Flotilla Cruise
2018-06-06 Race - Round The Buoys #2
2018-05-30 Race - Round The Buoys #1
2018-05-29 Town Hall Meeting
2018-05-26 Membership Open House
2018-05-26 Volunteer Work Party
2018-05-26 Race - Swiftsure
2018-05-19 Race - Round Saltspring
2018-05-18 Cruise - Start Victoria Day Rendezvous
2018-05-13 Race - Spring Long Distance #5
2018-05-12 Boat security Seminar
2018-05-06 Race - Spring Long Distance #4
2018-05-05 Opening Day
2018-05-03 Volunteers needed for Boat Show booth
2018-04-29 Race - Spring Long Distance #3
2018-04-28 Volunteer Work Party
2018-04-22 Race - My Tai Pursuit
2018-04-21 Nymph Point Park Clean-up: Volunteers Needed
2018-04-19 Fashion Show
2018-04-15 Sunday Walk: Horth Hill area
2018-04-15 Breakfast Buffet
2018-04-14 Race - Start Blackline Patos Island Race
2018-04-13 Patos Dinner
2018-04-08 Sunday Walk: Brentwood Bay area
2018-04-08 Race - Spring Long Distance #2
2018-04-05 Speakers Series - Life on the Lights
2018-04-01 Race - Jack & Jill Cruise
2018-03-30 Cruise - Start Easter Rendezvous
2018-03-25 Sunday Walk, March 25: Gentle walk around North Sidney
2018-03-25 Race - Spring Long Distance #1
2018-03-24 Technology Seminar
2018-03-24 Volunteer Work Party
2018-03-22 Speakers Series - Long distance solo sailing
2018-03-18 Sunday Walk, March 18: Mt. Douglas Park
2018-03-18 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #5
2018-03-17 Pub Night
2018-03-17 Race - Safety At Sea Course
2018-03-11 Sunday Walk, March 11 - Knockan Hill
2018-03-11 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #4
2018-03-10 Start - Diesel Maintenance Course
2018-03-08 Speakers Series - The Franklin Expedition
2018-03-04 Race - In The Bay Pursuit #3
2018-02-27 Annual General Meeting
2018-02-24 Volunteer Work Party
2018-02-22 Speaker Series
2018-02-17 Mardi Gras Party
2018-02-08 Speaker Series
2018-02-03 Racing Awards Night
2018-01-27 Wine Tasting
2018-01-27 Volunteer Work Party
2018-01-25 Speaker Series
2018-01-24 Executive Meeting
2018-01-20 Cruising Dinner
2018-01-13 Paper Crafting
2018-01-11 Speaker Series
2017-12-31 New Years Eve Dinner
2017-12-25 Club Closed
2017-11-04 Diesel Maintenance Course
2017-10-12 Speaker Series
2017-09-30 Volunteer Work Party
2017-09-16 Founding Members Night
2017-09-09 Annual Golf Tournament
2017-09-01 Labour Day Cruise
2017-08-19 Canada 150 Celebration
2017-07-30 Summer Fun Race #2
2017-07-23 Round the Buoys
2017-07-22 Summer BBQ and Dance
2017-07-16 Summer Fun Race #1

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9

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