Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
 "On or by the Sea, the Friendly Place to be"

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  • Bridge Lessons -3- “Games and Slams”

Bridge Lessons -3- “Games and Slams”

  • 2019-01-23
  • 1:30 PM

Great news!  Jon Preston, member of the club since 2003, is willing to teach bridge at SNSYC.  Jon became a Bridge Life Master in 1986, and in 2016 completed the Better Bridge Course Certificate approved by the American Contract Bridge League.  He has taught in local clubs and on cruise ships.

The beginner course that Jon will teach is a long-standing course developed by Audrey Grant.  There are eight lessons, each about 75 minutes, or 90 minutes with a break.  There is an accompanying soft-cover book.  Jon has a couple of copies and can order more, but the books are not important for the first two lessons.  They are not available in bookstores, but Jon buys the books online and they will cost about $15.  

Jon has offered to teach the course for $40 for members ($60 for non-members).  The usual charge for the course is $80.

If you miss classes 1 or 2 you can catch up.  It is NOT possible to catch up if you miss any classes from 3 onwards.  

You can attend either on Wednesdays or Saturdays.  

Register at the club bar.

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9

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