About the Speaker Series:
Starting in October, the Speakers' Series runs on alternate Thursdays through to mid-April.
Each Speakers' Series event is preceded by a special meal prepared by the Chef and his staff and is served at 18:00. The dishes the Chef prepares are often inspired by the topic of the talk; in the past we’ve dined in style on French, Mexican, Russian, British, and Thai cuisines, just to mention a few. We ask that you reserve a spot if you want to come for dinner - that way the Chef knows how much food to prepare!
Starting at 19:15, we are treated to an illustrated talk by SNSYC members or presenters from the wider community. The presentations deal with such things as sailing exploits, travelling on foot and by bicycle in foreign lands, cruising on ships and canal boats, environmental issues and much more.
Members: To sign up for the dinner please be sure to register for the event, using the on-line registration system on the club website
And... if you have a tale to tell or have specialized knowledge of something that will be of interest to the membership why not think about making a presentation yourself? We can help you put the presentation together if you are not sure of what to do or need help with computer related issues.
If you’d like to talk about making a presentation please email the Volunteer Coordinator
Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9