Visiting Yachts
Arriving by BoatMembers of a yacht club with Reciprocity Privileges are welcome to use the reciprocal dock located at North Saanich Marina. We hope you enjoy your stay. Enter Tsehum Harbour at (Latitude 48° 40.3 North - Longitude 123° 24.3 West), The North Saanich Marina is located directly ahead (masts visible above the second rock breakwater) in Blue Heron Basin. A dredged channel is marked with navigational aids leading to the rock breakwater off Nymph Point. Depth in the channel is 2 meters at zero tide. Stay in the center of the channel to avoid an embarrassing grounding in the soft mud. Arriving directly from the United States requires clearing Canada Customs. A clearance dock is adjacent to the Van Isle Marina fuel dock located to port upon entering Tsehum Harbour. A phone booth with the toll free number for Canada Customs is located on a dock just west of the fuel dock. (a link to customs requirements?) | Google Map |
Reciprocal moorage is on a first-come first-served basis for members in good standing of a reciprocal yacht club. Reciprocal moorage is limited to three nights in any 30 day period.
Tie on the west side of the SNSYC guest dock, immediately to starboard just past the breakwater. It will be a starboard tie if bow in. Rafting is not permitted. Leave as much space as possible for other arrivals by tying as close to other vessels as practical. Very small vessels (< 20') can tie across the end of the dock. The east (breakwater) side of the dock is reserved for junior sailing at all times. Please fly your club burgee while moored at the reciprocal dock. Please ensure you have a minimum of $2million liability insurance. Boats may not be left unoccupied over night.
If the reciprocal dock is full, contact the North Saanich Marina (NSM) at 250-656-5558 for moorage at normal rates in the marina. NSM does not monitor a VHF channel. North Saanich Marina is owned and operated by the Oak Bay Marine Group, not SNSYC.
The registration envelopes are in the reciprocity cabinet on the dock. Please complete the form and place in the lock box in the kiosk, along with your payment (cash only). Cash is preferred, but credit cards will be accepted at the bar when the clubhouse is open (Wednesday through Sunday 1600 - 2000). Registered visitors will receive a code to the marina gate and the door combination to the washrooms in the clubhouse lower level as part of the payment process. Display the tear-off tab of your fee envelope on your boat.
The fee for the first night is CDN $8.00. Consecutive nights cost $8.00 plus $1 per foot per night, to a maximum of 3 nights in any 30 day period. No additional charge for power and water.
WiFi is available on the docks as well as at the clubhouse (see kiosk on dock for more details).
Please depart by 11am.