Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
 "On or by the Sea, the Friendly Place to be"

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Race - Fall Long Distance #8

  • 2018-11-25
  • 11:00 AM

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club Racing

Fall Long Distance #8

Eligibility -PHRF

SNSYC has an active, year-round racing program that offers both distance and round-the-buoys racing. In the winter we race on Sundays and in warmer months we race on Wednesday evenings as well as some Sundays. In addition, we also organize the overnight Patos Island Race in the Spring, the Challenging Racing and Social Happenings (CRASH) Regatta in late Summer and participate in similar races and regattas organized by other clubs as part of the Vancouver Island Racing Series (VIRS).

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9

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