Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
 "On or by the Sea, the Friendly Place to be"

  • Home
  • August 2024 Short Cruise

August 2024 Short Cruise

  • 2024-08-08
  • 2024-08-21
  • Salish Sea Southern Gulf Islands


  • Free ticket for August Short Cruise

Registration is closed

Register if you wish to be involved in Any Part or All of the

August Short Cruise

Hosted by the Cruising Director and You because you can offer to take on any one of the Host Locations on the Itinerary to welcome others, plan on site activities, Happy Hour gatherings, social events as may be desired.  Contact the Cruising Director to volunteer as a Host at any of the six stops on this Cruise.

NOTE :- When booking a marina from the Itinerary below do so early and state you are with SNSYC.  Fly your Burgee!

Click Here for the Short Cruise Itinerary

There is no fee for this event as expenses are paid by each boat.

Please respond to each registration question as we collect information to make for safe communication between participating boats.

Note:- We hope to set up easy communication using our MMSI numbers.  You will need your MMSI number to complete the registration.

Registrants will be given a list of all participants with contact information.

Contact for Cruising Captain

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software