Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
 "On or by the Sea, the Friendly Place to be"

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  • Jack and Jill Rendezvous 2025

Jack and Jill Rendezvous 2025

  • 2025-04-25
  • 3:00 PM
  • 2025-04-27
  • 11:00 AM
  • Port Browning



SNSYC Jack & Jill Rendezvous Cruise

LOCATION : Port Browning

April 25- 27, 2025   Registrations closing April 20

Hosted by

Bert and Wendy Blattmann, Peter and Jayne Brennan

     Fee $25 per person

Block reservations for 15 boats have been made, however each individual participant is required to make his or her own moorage booking. Please make your moorage booking online (not phone) at Port Browning Marina website before registering for this event. Note:- Office is closed Tuesday - Wednesday. Should you encounter any problem, please call the Marina at (250) 629-3493. When you make your moorage booking please indicate you’re a member of the SNSYC. 

The moorage group fees are $2.20 per foot and 30 amp shore power is at $11 and $16 for 50 amps per day. In order to cover all the expenses associated with the Rendezvous, the cost has been set at $25 per person. Please submit your online payment to SNSYC when you register. Children under 12 are free.

The following Rendezvous program has been developed and it can be changed as needed should anyone come forward with a good suggestion. 

25 April at 5 pm: Meet and Greet with snacks and drinks at the tent. Please bring your own supplies. A potluck dinner to follow, please bring your own cutlery.

26 April 8:30 to 10 am: breakfast served at the tent, again bring your own coffee mugs and cutlery 

11:00 to noon: Tentative arrangements have been made to have a briefing from the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue branch of North Pender Island.

Lunch: Lunch is not organized, participants may decide where to eat. The Marina is open for anyone wishing to eat in the restaurant, plus there will be a BBQ available at the tent for anyone to use.

2 to 4 pm: A tour is planned of Twin Island Cider at 5601 Lupin Road, North Pender Island. Twin Cider offers 2-3 samples for free, however anyone wishing formal tasting of 5 ciders, the fee will be $15 per person.  Please let the Cruise Host know if you are interested in visiting Twin Island Cider. Participants will need to use a dinghy to ferry across to the government wharf, and from there a short walk to Twin Cider.

4 to 6 pm: pre-dinner games and cocktails with snacks at the tent. Please bring your own supplies.

6 pm: dinner at the Marina restaurant, note the restaurant does not accept reservations. A BBQ is available for those wishing to cook their own dinners.

27 April 8:30 to 10 am, small breakfast will be served consisting of coffee and muffins, please bring your own mug.

10 to 11 am departure time. Assistance will be needed to load SNSYC gear back on-board boats. Anyone interested in organizing a sailboat race on our way home is most welcome to do it. It could be discussed at breakfast time. 

The aim of the Rendezvous is for the “boaters” to enjoy themselves among sailors' fine company. Looking forward to meeting you at Port Browning Marina Resort.

Cheers, your hosts Bert and Wendy, Peter and Jayne 

      Come ready for fun and fellowship!!

     Please offer to help with games/happy hour etc. to optimize our fun!

Use this link to contact the cruise host:

Please register directly with Port Browning Marina ASAP 

  to reserve moorage and assure your place ! 

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9

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