Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
 "On or by the Sea, the Friendly Place to be"

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  • Mill Bay Rendezvous Cruise March 24-26

Mill Bay Rendezvous Cruise March 24-26

  • 2023-03-24
  • 2023-03-26
  • Mill Bay Marina


  • Registration Fee of $15/per person payable upon registration

Registration is closed

Join the first Rendezvous of the 2023 boating season!  

Mill Bay Marina

Bridgeman's and Wine Tasting

March 24-26, 2023

Join us for an exciting weekend at Mill Bay Marina.  Moorage will be $35/boat for each of Friday and Saturday nights, with a group no-host dinner on Saturday evening at Bridgeman's Restaurant. Note:  The special moorage fee is based on a commitment to have dinner at Bridgeman's on Saturday evening.

Before registering for this event, please contact Mill Bay Marina 250-743-4303, to confirm moorage and let them know you are part of the SNSYC group.  They will keep a waitlist once our 300' is full.

The wine tasting tour will take place on Saturday, from 10:30am, taking us to 3 wineries by bus, and includes lunch. Tickets are $157 each.  Please indicate on your registration form if you plan on joining the wine tasting tour. Bus capacity is 14 seats, first come first served.  The wine tour is not a requirement of this Rendezvous and Social Members may purchase available seats and board in Victoria to fill the bus. 

Please pay Island Time Tours directly for the wine tour by March 15th, by calling Island Time Tours at 250-477-3322 to pay by credit card, or book directly online at discount code is $10 off tour price.  Promo Code:  WINE10.  Click on March 25 calendar to buy ticket/s.  Bus seats and online booking are open to the public until the bus is full so do not delay booking.

There will be a participation fee of $15 per person for this Rendezvous, which includes  welcome prosecco on Friday  and coffee and muffins Sunday morning.  Please bring an appetizer to share on Friday.  Drinks and appies on the dock from 4-6pm. Dinner at Bridgeman's on Saturday is payable directly to the restaurant.  

The Mill Bay Rendezvous coincides with SNSYC's annual sailboat racing event, PATOS.  We hope that participating boats in our rendezvous, will allow their slips to be used for visiting sailboats joining the PATOS race.  If you keep your boat in Tsehum Harbour, please consider offering your space to assist the PATOS race organizers, by checking the appropriate box on the registration form. Slips will be available to owners on Sunday, from 3pm onwards

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9

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