Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
 "On or by the Sea, the Friendly Place to be"

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  • Speaker Series October 17th

Speaker Series October 17th

  • 2024-10-17
  • 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • 32


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Speakers’ Series, October 17th: The Arctic and the Franklin Expedition

Our first Speakers’ Series event will feature a talk given by club member Neil Cormie.  He will be talking – and showing great photos – of a trip he made to the Arctic and his exploration of the Franklin Expedition.  The expedition, led by Sir John Franklin went missing in 1848 and the Admiralty started a search for the missing vessels – Erebus and the Terror.  Following the discovery of the wreck of the Erebus in 2014, the Arctic Research Foundation has found the wreck of Terror south of King William Island Research and dive expeditions are an annual occurrence at the wreck sites, now protected as a combined National Historic Site called the Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site.

Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization.
PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9

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