Speaker Series
Tonga to New Zealand
This presentation will feature SNSYC members Rolf Oetter, Richard Taylor and Rick Wunderlich telling tales of how they helped Gonzalo, the owner of a Lagoon 450 catamaran, to sail from Tonga via Minerva Reef to the Bay of Islands in New Zealand and that they are still friends after finishing the trip!
And, of course, there’ll be a buffet before the presentation. If you intend to come for the buffet it’s critical that you phone 250-656-4600 and let the staff know that you’ll be there – that way Chef Rico will know how much food to prepare!
As usual, the buffet starts at 1800 and the presentation will begin at 1915.
Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club is non-profit organization. PO Box 2521, Sidney, BC V8L 4B9